Sunday 6 May 2012

July 9 : Internet Doomsday

July 9 is being reported as Internet Doomsday. CloudFlare, OpenDNS help Internet users fix DNSChanger malware infection. CloudFlare and OpenDNS recently joined forces in helping Internet users in fixing their computers if they are infected by the so-called DNSChanger malware, with reports calling July 9, 2012 as “Internet doomsday“.

According to a combined press release by the two top Internet security and DNS service companies, FBI said that over half-million Internet users have been connected to the DNS servers formerly used by the malicious DNSChanger malware.

Last week, FBI launched the website where Internet users can check whether or not their computers are infected by DNSChanger malware, where a “green” background means the computer is safe while a “red” background means it is infected and must be fixed.

If infected, the user is being strongly advised to visit the official website of DNS Change Working Group or, where there are tons of free security guides and tools on how to remove the DNSChanger malware from a computer.

Nevertheless, FBI said they will shut down all the remaining infected computers on July 9, 2012 and will effectively be cut off from the Internet that day, which reportedly could be around hundreds of thousands or nearly half-million Internet users. 

With this, CloudFlare and OpenDNS are strongly suggesting website owners to get a free app or Javascript code from  and install it on their website to inform their visitors via a message that their computers are affected by the DNSChanger malware. CloudFlare users can easily enable the app via a single click on their account.

Apparently, this message banner called Visitor DNSChanger Detector App will recommend visitors to go to and get their computers fixed and safe from the said malware. Otherwise, they may lose Internet connection after July 9, 2012, or the so-called “Internet doomsday“.

Meanwhile, to understand more about the advantages of using their DNS (Domain Name System) services and how to fix the DNSChanger malware problem, website owners are being invited to visit their official websites at and

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