Saturday 5 May 2012

Lion Desperately Tries to Eat a Human Baby at the Portland Zoo


Lion tries to eat a baby at the Portland zoo

You can take a lion from the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of a lion. The latest evidence of this adage was seen at the Portland Zoo (Oregon), where Kya, one of the resident lionesses, tried to attack and maim a human baby boy — only to be inhibited by a transparent glass wall.

As you can observe in the video, Kya tries to strike the child with her claws, and bite his head right off with her mouth.

Kya’s motives were to kill baby Jack — especially in his zebra-striped sweater — as it’s her instinct to kill vulnerable prey in the wild. Lionesses are the hunters of a lion pride after all, so that their lion males and lion cubs don’t go hungry — which shows the huge difference between Kya’s female motherly instincts and those of baby Jack’s mother. She simply films the potentially dramatic event — even giggling at times, confident the zoo’s glass barriers are shatterproof.

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