Sunday 6 May 2012

Some Facts about Snakes


Of 3000 species of snakes around the world, around 375 are considered as venomous. As reptiles, snakes are cold-blooded. They are often found inhabiting underground and up the trees. They even dwell in lake water and seas. Learn more information about snakes through these snake facts that tackle about their habitat, behaviors, characteristics and more.

    Snakes have long and flexible body lacking with limbs. The body shape of snakes is depending on where they inhabit.

There are different species of snakes widespread throughout the world, barring Iceland, Antarctica and Greenland. But snakes are more likely to be found in tropical regions.

    There are many interesting facts about snakes. One of them is that they shed their skin recurrently as they mature. This process is called as molting. They rub their head against rough and hard surface such as rock or wood to shed their skin. This helps the skin to rip open. As the snake continuously does this process, the skin peels off from the head which enables the snake to crawl out from its shed skin.

    A snake has no eyelids. Instead, the transparent scale serves as their eye protection. Additionally, they cannot hear airborne sounds. They are able to “hear” from vibrations with the help of their jawbones.

    A snake has over 200 teeth, which they use to bite and hold their struggling prey firmly.

    Instead of nose, snake uses its fork-like tongue to smell.

    Did you know that snakes can thrive for a couple of days without food after consuming a full meal? The reason behind this snake fact is that they have slow metabolism. As a matter of fact, one snake specie King Cobra can survive for a couple of months without food.

    Another amazing snake fact is that they can swallow their prey which is 3 times bigger than their mouth. They have extremely stretchable tendons on their mouth which enables them to do that eating process. Additionally, the 2 halves of snake’s jaws are not connected to each other firmly.

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